Monday, 2 July 2012

Higher insurance for female drivers

The law that allows car insurance companies to over-ride sexual discrimination legislation and charge lower premiums for women drivers is due to end in December 2012 leading, almost certainly, to higher insurance premiums for women drivers. Some women – particularly those in the 17-25 age bracket - can expect their premiums to increase by up to 25% on their next renewal date. These, of course, are the drivers who already find themselves paying the highest premiums for car insurance.

Until now, insurers have been permitted to charge lower premiums for women on the basis that they are statistically safer drivers. After December, this can no longer apply and women will need to find alternative ways of reducing insurance premiums.

Industry experts are already suggesting that the way forward for women drivers – particularly those under 30 – will be to prove to insurers that they are safer drivers by other means. And the most obvious “other means” will be the installation of TeenTrack style black boxes.

The black box doesn’t know who is driving the car – male or female – and will simply report on the standard of driving. Better standards of driving – irrespective of gender - will be taken into account by insurers in assessing premiums. TeenTrack will, from now on, recommend the installation of black boxes to most young female drivers, to ensure the lowest premiums possible.

It therefore seems that, especially for young female drivers, it is more important than ever to be able to show insurers that their driving standards warrant lower insurance premiums – and TeenTrack can provide you with the advice to show just that!!

Click here for advice on black box insurance

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